The Creation Chick is a Biblical Creationist . . devoted telling YOU about the world from a Creationist Perspective! I love telling others about God's Creation! Evolution seems to give us a reason to feel satisfied in life without God, however . . if people REALLY KNEW the deceptions and the lack of evidence surrounding evolution, they would have a chance to open their eyes to the true answer!- Jesus!
Hi There . . Creation Chick here! just reading a couple new books . . still in the middle of it . . but I'll be sure to fill everyone in when I get the opportunity to . . . I'll be sure to give everyone a synopsis when I get a chance . . . . One of the books I'm reading is about Darwin and how he got his ideas . . and it IS fascinating . . . I will be sure to give a synopsis of it on this blog when I am done.
Hi There! Creation Chick here . . that's right I'm still here . . not backing down fighting the good fight . . . and so on and so forth . . I just wanted to comment about some of the things that I think are funny about evolutionists and how they react to me . . . heehee . . well . . . . I've been on the internet as "Creation Chick" only a little while now . . maybe only a month . . heehee . . and yes . . ALREADY . . evolutionists are attacking everything that I say . . it's funny . . . . . . . You would think that if their way of life . . if their philosophy . . if their "science" really works . . heehee . . well then . . they wouldn't have to worry about one little insignificant . . supposedly "misinformed" creation chick has to say . . right? . . . but I guess not . . I guess . . SOMEHOW . . they are extremely enraged for no apparent reason that someone disagrees with them . . heehee . . . it's funny . . because in getting mad at me . . they are ACTUALLY PROVING that they . . themselves are wrong about EVERYTHING! because they are proving that everything they stand for shatters when ONE person dissagrees with them . . why is this true? . . . hmm . . . could it be that they are afraid if someone tells the truth, everyone will here the truth and then say . . "THE EMPORER HAS NO CLOTHES" . . they are actually AFRAID of me . . hee hee . . I wonder if they knew I am a cute little blond girl . . with sweet little blue eyes but they are AFRAID????? of MEEEEE???? . . . and that proves it . . hee hee . . they are not afraid of me . . but of the truth! So . . as long as I can stay here and speak the truth without someone bringing some kind of illegitamate hate crime against me to shut me down . . I'll do it . . because I believe in people - unlike evolutionists . . who are so afraid of the opposite viewpoint that they bar it from public schools . . I actually believe that people are created by God . . not mutated gradually from animals! .. ugghhh . . the very thought! is detestable! how dare you evolutionists! you mock God's creation! you are detestable! because you teach sweet children to have no morality . . to have no dignity . . to have no decency . . to have no humanity! . . you have taken humanity away from the humans . . but seriously . . what people don't get about Creationists . . is that we don't CARE anymore . . WHAT YOU DO! . . you can sit around and do your little mutation voodoo and jump around a lab table and decide to call the outcome whatever you want it to be . . hmm . . sounds similar to something witchdoctors do when treating medicine any way they feel like or the way the spirits lead them . . The scary thing is that the witchdoctors actually are aware that evil spirits are controlling them . . then if things get too crazy .. MAYBE they'll have a chance of getting away from whatever witchcraft they are doing but EVOLUTIONISTS! they have no idea that the reason they are not making any sense is because they are being controlled by evil forces! and they have NO IDEA! Do you really think that evolution has taken over the United States during the same time that STDs, Abortion, School Shootings, Increase in Divorce and breakups of familys . . has increased as well . . and somehow . . this is just a COINCIDENCE! Think about it . . : Abortion: you don't have worry about killing babies anymore . . because God didn't create them! STDs: . . you can have sex whenever you want with whoever you want with no strings attached because God didn't tell you not to! School Shootings: the Fittest Survive! Need I say more . . in other words . . you don't have to care if you hurt . . or KILL people . . because there are no morals! because the fittest survive . . kill or be killed is the new moral standard! isn't it great? hee hee. . oh and increase in divorce and marriage breakups: no God to tell you that marriage is sacred! So . . is it working?????? is it working America?????? how are these new morals working out for us huh? . . . . . . .. How are the new anti-morals working out for us? . . . yah . . . didn't think
Oh . . and by the way .. I have people consisitently arguing with me . . ridiculing my faith . . rediculing me! mocking me . .. arguing with me for FUN!!!!! - what's fun about arguing? . . I mean really . . is this what we've evolved to? hee hee . . yah . .really! anyhoo . .. . umm . . yah . . . I don't even need to really say more but . . a thought I would just end with this . . that when my friends were missionaries in China . . it was the fact that the name, "Jesus" was continually put down by the government . . ridiculed . . made fun of . . mocked . . .