Friday, June 19, 2009

Creation Chick Update - Angels

Hi there! Creation Chick here! Just put up my first video, and boy . . did I get a lot of negative comments on it! . . . well . . . It kind of depressed me, but I'm really going to try to not get discouraged and keep going! I started doing a video about angels that people have witnessed . .. but I just started to get this creepy feeling around me . .. and I started thinking to myself . .. "hmmm . . . maybe some of these "angel" pictures might be FALLEN angels . . . or even if they're not . . maybe I shouldn't be messing with this stuff!" . .. but it really is fascinating . ..

Many of these "angel" pictures are in the clouds . .. and when I first started looking into this . . I was thinking . . . 'hmmmm . . . I have to admit that those look eerily like angels, . . . buuuuuuut . . . .how do I know they are nothing more than that . . . or that they might even be photoshopped . .. dare I say! But, as I continued to search for these images on the web . . . I found accounts of visions of angels from history and photos from history as well. At some point, I'm going to have to put all of them on my blog, but for right now . . I'm just doing a quick update.

Thanks to everyone for subscribing to my Youtube channel, and feel free to check me out on Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter!

God Bless,
-Creation Chick

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